የኢትዮጵያ ወዳጅ

U.S. Congress





ለአገራችን መሟገት

እንዲሁም የወገን ድምፅ መሆን ነውና ÷ ቀን ሳለ ስለ ፍትህና እውነት

ብለን ድምፃችንን በህብረት እናሰማ !

About Us

AEPAC Florida Chapter is an affiliate of organization of AEPAC incorporated as state chapter .

The mission of American Ethiopian Public Affairs Committee (AEPAC FL ) is to strengthen and foster the U.S.-Ethiopia relationship, enhance both countries security interests, as well as advance democracy, respect for human rights and free market entrepreneurship in Ethiopia. So, we support AEPAC's effort.

AEPAC FL is a voluntary, non-profit, non-connected, public affairs organization that is not affiliated with any political party nor with any specific candidate for election.


Fasil Gebremariam, Chairman

Mr. Gabremariam has several decades of experience in the telecommunications industry has served in several prestigious boards such as the Federal Reserve, Tampa Port Authority, University of Tampa and Poynter Institute. He has a Masters degree from the University of Chicago and an Honorary Doctorate from the University of South Florida.

Ashenafi Nebro, Vice Chair

Ashenafi, who has a background as both an educator and a United States Army veteran, is deeply committed and enthusiastic about the cause of voter education. He also holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of South Florida.

Ayenalem Markos

Etefwork Yadete

Muluken Woldekirkos

Ahmed Brhan

Senait Assefa

The Florida House

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የምርጫ ፍሬዎች!

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